Junior Squash Program - Term 3

We are pleased to announce that we have a very special individual that has taken over our Junior Squash Program and is continuing in Term 3 through to Term 4.


She is former New Zealand No.1, World No.11 and Commonwealth Games Gold Medallist, Jaclyn Kemp, who has returned home with her family after living in Qatar for 9 years. Her husband Jonathan is the New Zealand National Coach. 


We will be kicking off on the first Thursday 25th July 2024 for 9 weeks, finishing on Thursday 26th September 2024. (Aims Games Week No Coaching)


Our Juniors are proudly supported by Dirk Residential Real Estate (EVES) and we have received some grant funding from Grassroots to bring down the cost for individuals. 

Usually $75 per term, now $55 per term.


Parents can direct all questions to clubmanager@mountsports.co.nz 

Article added: Wednesday 03 July 2024


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