
         Join us and see what makes Arataki School so special

How to enrol your child

If you live within our school zone, you can enrol your child by completing and returning an Enrolment Form and providing the following supporting documentation:

  • A copy of the eligibility document for your child. The original also needs to be sighted by the school office. This document can be either:
    • ​​​​​​​NZ birth certificate or NZ passport (if NZ citizen)
    • ​​​​​​​Australian passport (if Australian citizen) or
    •  NZ residency permit or NZ student visa/permit and Parental work permit (if the child is not a NZ citizen)
  • Proof of your address (e.g. utilities bill, rental/sales agreement)
  • Immunisation records
  • A copy of any Court Order Documents (if applicable)

You can get your Enrolment Forms by:


Out of Zone

If we have room after accepting students from within our enrolment zone, we warmly welcome children from further afield. Our Board of Trustees publishes the number of places available each term in the local newspaper along with a date by which to apply. 

To apply for an Out of Zone placement you can pick up a paper application form at the office or click below to apply online.

Enrolment Zone

Our primary school’s enrolment zone includes local Arataki neighbourhoods. It begins seaside of Maunganui Road and spans down from Concord Ave to the Maranui Street and the Sandhurst Drive roundabout. Our zone also extends further into Mount Maunganui to cover Te Maunga, Mangatawa and Matapihi.​​​​​​​

To see if you live in our school zone, view our zoning map.


Reo Rua (Bilingual) Programme

Ko toku reo toku ohooho, ko toku reo toku mapihi mauria — My language is my awakening, my language is the window to my soul.

Arataki School proudly offers tamariki the chance to participate in a Reo Rua (bilingual - English and Māori) programme. Here, tikanga are authentically woven into daily life and Te Reo Māori is spoken by tamariki and Kaiako at least 30 to 50 percent of the time. 

We operate through a te ao Māori lens and Māori values of taukiri (identity), whanaungatanga (relationships) and manaakitanga (caring) are fundamental to our learning. This programme is delivered in partnership from Te Marautanga o Aotearoa and The New Zealand Curriculum.

Application Process

To apply for Reo Rua you can pick up a paper application form at the office or click below to apply online. Completing this form will place you on the waiting list.

Montessori Programme

Based on Montessori philosophy that children are the leaders of their own learning, this programme is fully integrated into our school and is designed to nurture children’s natural desire for knowledge, discovery and respect. 

Available to children from age 6 to 11, this programme is delivered through a Montessori philosophy within the framework of The New Zealand Curriculum and in accordance with the expectations of Arataki School.

Criteria for entry

  • Families to attend Tauranga Montessori Education Trust Parent Information Evenings
  • Families to observe in the class
  • ​​​​​​​Families to attend a meeting with the Principal and a representative from Tauranga Montessori Education Trust
  • Children with at least two years Montessori education experinece is recommended

For more information about Tauranga Montessori Education Trust click here