We've reset the clock at the beginning of week 6 and will be giving away more prizes.
Weekly Prizes: Yummy Treats
Each week we have random spot prizes drawn from those whose attendance has improved and reached 100% for that week.
Half Termly: Movie vouchers, Baywave Passes …
Tamariki who are here everyday for the two weeks from Tuesday 8 until the end of week 5, Friday 18 August go into the draw for the above prizes.
This draw will be held again for those who are here everyday for the last 5 weeks of the term and drawn on Friday 22 September.
Termly: An MGP Scooter
There will be a prize draw for those who have been here Everyday from 8 August to 22 September to win an MGP Scooter.
Already loving the happy faces of those who have received their ‘Yummy Treats’
Article added: Thursday 07 September 2023