Last night, we hosted a Friends of School information evening for any parents that are interested in getting involved in fundraising for our school. If you were unable to attend, it is not too late to join. Please email Janelle Meachem if you are interested - We began to plan out fundraising events for the year and discuss projects to raise funds for that are not funded by the Ministry of Education. We will be sending out a survey to whānau and also surveying students and staff in regards to their ideas for a 2025 project.
On Tuesday, we held a whakatau and welcomed Stu MacDonald and his team of artists from Ahi Poutu Collective. On a Tuesday and Thursday afternoon Stu and his team will be here working with small groups of students to paint murals to be installed around the school. We feel so fortunate to have them share their knowledge and expertise with us. I am looking forward to watching the murals be created.
Is your email address up to date on our school student management system - HERO? HERO is our way of communication with whānau. We share all our newsletters and notices via HERO. However, we do have a number of incorrect email addresses and phone numbers in our system. If you are not receiving any notifications or information through HERO, that may mean we have an incorrect email or phone number for you. The next time you are in school can you please pop into the office to check we have your correct details.
Save the date - Wednesday 12th March 2025.
On Wednesday 12th March from 5pm - 6:30pm we are hosting a whānau picnic on the back field. This is an opportunity for you to come and meet your child’s teacher, meet other families from the kura in a relaxed environment. We will be having a free sausage sizzle (cooked by our board members), sports games and bouncy castles. We have purposely scheduled our picnic to be on rippa rugby evening as we thought families could walk across the road after their child’s game. We will send out more information in a separate notice, but I look forward to seeing you there.
Please keep an eye out for term 2 sports registrations. These will be opening in the next few weeks. The sports registrations will be sent via HERO and we will also have a link on our website. If you need to set up an automatic payment to pay for your children’s sports fees please pop into the office to organise this.
Thank you for your continued support of our kura, I hope you all have a fantastic weekend with your family.
Ngā mihi nui,
Vicki Hiini - Tumuaki