Tēna koutou e te whānau,
Wow, what an amazing term we have had. We have achieved so much. The children have had many sports events, we have had class trips, marae visits, kapa haka, choir, whole school hangi, and our recent BINGO night fundraiser. Thank you all so much for your support of our tamariki, the kaiako and our school community.
On Monday 14th October, we are welcoming Rebekah Shepard to our school community as our new Deputy Principal. We will have a whole school Pōhiri for Rebekah as well as our new children who are starting school with us. You are all welcome to attend our pōhiri. It is going to be special as a number of students from Mount Maunganui Intermediate (where Rebekah has been currently working) will be coming to the pōhiri to hand her over to Arataki School. The pōhiri will be in the shaded area outside Rooms 5-8 and will start at 9am.
We have a number of New Entrant children joining our school on the first day of term 4. They will be in a new class - Room 16 with Mrs Taylor as their teacher.
Pump Track Before School
A number of our students go to the pump track on their way to school in the morning. We have noticed that there have been a number of older students from other schools and members of the public at the pump track and they have been encouraging our children to lie down on the pump track so that they can either jump their bikes or scooters over the children. We have spoken to the children involved to ask them to not do this and to come directly to school. We have also contacted some families. I am sharing this information with you to make you aware. Please encourage your child to come directly to school in the morning.
Holidays During Term Time
If you choose to take your child on a holiday during term time, you need to inform the school via email. Please email the school office - office@arataki.school.nz. Please note that a holiday during term time is an unjustified absence from school.
School Grounds
If you are using the school grounds during the holiday period, please be aware that we have a number of school maintenance and property projects being completed during the two week break. There will be a number of trades people on site.
The school now has surveillance cameras operating 24/7 across our entire school grounds. This is to monitor and prevent vandalism. Please be aware that cameras are operating.
Have an amazing school holiday break with your children. We look forward to seeing you all back at school on Monday 14th October.
Ngā mihi nui,
Vicki Hiini, Tumuaki