Tēna koutou e te whānau,

Wow, what an amazing evening I had on Tuesday night watching Arataki School perform at the Tauranga School’s choir festival. Our children made our school proud. We had soloist items, school items and whole choir items. The theme for the Choir festival this year was Walt Disney, it was great sitting in the auditorium singing along to the songs from popular movies that we know. I would like to acknowledge the following children - Cartier McGreal, opening the festival with Karanga, Ruan Vorster, Zoey Dick & Ellie Bodman who performed solo vocals and Renee Naera who did a solo ballet dance, as well as all children of the choir who dedicated so much of their time to attend practices in their lunchtimes. A big thank you to Rachal Spencer and Fran Mortell for coaching our choir children, and to our Friends of School parents for their sponsorship of our costumes, assisting with practices and organising the children during the evening.

Other activities that our tamariki have been involved in this week include:

  • A group of children who represented Arataki School at the Western BOP chess tournament
  • Our Year 5 & 6 hockey team played in the WBOP schools Hockey tournament on Thursday.

Whanau Hui - Wednesday 4th September - 5:30pm

On Wednesday we are hosting a whanau hui for any whānau who are interested in enrolling their tamariki in Level 1 Te Reo Māori rumaki class. Currently, Kopukairoa has 5 reorua (bilingual) classrooms. Next year, we are looking to move to having one immersion class as part of Kopukairoa. The class will begin at Year 0-2, and the curriculum taught will be Te Marautanga o Aotearoa. If you are interested in enrolling your tamariki into full immersion education please come along to our hui on Wednesday night. We look forward to seeing you there.

Whole School Hangi

On Friday 13th September, we are having our first ever whole school hangi. Our Hangi will be part of our school wide celebrations of Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori which officially begins on 14th September. The Hangi will be free for all children, however, we will be asking for donations of kai and for whānau to help with our Hangi preparation. A separate notice will be sent home with more information. 

Have an amazing weekend with your whānau.

Ngā mihi nui

Vicki Hiini




Wednesday, 4 Sept -  Whānau Hui - Te Reo Māori Immersion - 5.30, School Hall

Wednesday, 4 Sept - Primary Schools League Tournament

Friday, 6 Sept - Tuakana Speeches 

Friday, 13 September - Hui-a-kura - led by Montessori

Friday, 13 September - School Hangi

Saturday, 21 September - Bingo Night

Click here for 2024 and 2025 Term Dates


In this issue:

  • News and Events
  • Sports Desk
  • ATK here Everyday
  • Travel Safe
  • Extra-Curriculars @ Arataki
  • After School Care/Programme
  • Holiday Programmes
  • Community Notices
  • Pre Loved Uniforms
  • Report an Absence



Arataki Choir Go Under the Sea


Tauranga Foodbank Appeal


Steam Education


As a part of our STEAM Inquiry this term (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics) our Hopukiore team have had the awesome 'STEAM Ed' guys coming into school and working with us for two afternoons. In our classes we worked in pairs using amazing VEX Go robot gear. We had to problem solve, and complete different designs and challenges with the gear like building free standing towers. In the second session we all got to build a moving vehicle and do some simple programming to drive it. Check out the photos to see how cool this learning was. Thanks STEAM-Ed!


Olympics Mufti


This mufti day was so fun to see our tamariki dressed in all of the different sports.  And while we did that we raised over $400 toward our School Van.  Tau Ke!


Arataki Whānau Hui


Bingo and Auction Night




ATK on the Football Fields


Arataki students Tiare Talbot-Chinula, Tahlia Stewart and Keira Andrew have been playing for the Tauranga City AFC Under 9 Blues team this season. It's the first season the girls have played football and they've enjoyed learning new skills and making new friends. Last Sunday they took part in the annual Waipuna 10th Grade Tournament where they showed great sporting spirit. Teams came from as far away as Taupō and Hamilton. That's them at the tournament in the photo. They still have a couple more games to look forward to before the end of the season. 


Chess Tournament

Ka mau te wehi! Our chess team represented Arataki with great sportsmanship. A mix of wins, losses and a couple of stalemates.  The best part was playing against new friends and testing their skills.

Team: Iorina Tetika, Eli Shaw, Gabriel Lloyd-Rangi, Khyba Dickson and Agambir Singh




These are are Term 3 Week 5 winners of The Cave, Bayfair and Baywave vouchers. Ka wani ke!  

Winners: Coby Cole, Peyton Cuff, Lucy Moore and Jaxon Egan-Powell.


Understanding Attendance













Needing a few pieces of uniform.  Come and see our pre-loved uniforms at the school office. 

Have your tamariki grown out of their uniforms? We are especially in need of Polo Shirts if you have any spare.

Please consider donating them back to the kura.  These uniform donations are:

  • sold to our whanau for donations of $5. The money raised is used for resources for our classrooms. 
  • used for our tamariki who may need them.

These donations are gratefully received at the school office.


ATK. All Day, Every Day! - Attendance Booklet

Please remember to enrol your preschoolers as early as you can. This helps us to get prepared for their arrival.

To enrol you can click this link to the online application form or come into the office for an application pack.

For more information on enrolment check out our website www.arataki.school.nz