I am looking forward to many more Olympic events, but especially watching Lisa Carrington race.
This week we had a whānau information hui in regards to our Keeping Ourselves Safe programme. Thank you to the many whānau who attended and shared your whakaaro (thoughts) on the programme. We have decided to put the teaching of the programme on hold, so that we can have another whānau hui to share the content of the lessons in more detail. The next Keeping Ourselves Safe whānau hui will be on Thursday 8th August at 2pm in the staffroom.
Our school staff & some of our tamariki have been hit incredibly hard with winter illness and viruses. Please, keep your children at home if they are unwell. We are continuing to maintain high standards of hygiene, including hand washing, having hand sanitiser available, and making sure that the classrooms are well ventilated. What we are noticing is that the virus is taking a long time to recover from with a number of staff needing two weeks off school to recover. Please remember to contact the school to let us know each day they are away.
A reminder to whānau that there is no parking on the berms on the roads around Kaimanawa and Kaniere. This is to keep our tamariki safe and to respect our neighbours. These roads will be patrolled by Tauranga City Council in the coming weeks.
Thank you to all of our tamariki for your excellent behaviour and quickly settling back into the routines of school after the holidays. We have another busy school term planned. Upcoming events include winter sports tournaments, choir, whole school Hangi, mufti day, Mount Intermediate open evenings, and our first ever Friends of School BINGO night fundraiser. There is a lot on keep an eye on the dates of our upcoming events.
Ngā mihi nui
Vicki Hiini