Tēna koutou e te whānau,
Welcome back to Term 2. It is going to be another busy and exciting term of learning and achievement at Arataki School. I want to extend a big mihi and warm welcome to our new tamariki and their whānau that started kura with us this term. I also want to welcome our two new staff members - Whaea Tatai - Sports Coordinator (her sports coordinator office is located in between Room 15 & 16), Mr Mike Paton who is working as an ORS specialist teacher and Luda Shelton who is employed as a teacher aide.
Thank you to our whānau that came into school during the holidays for our working bee to tidy up the gardens at the front of the school. They look amazing!
Good luck to all of our tamariki who are starting their winter sports this weekend!! Remember to play your best, but also play fair.
Reporting to whānau
I am looking forward to our whānau learning conferences next week, this is a time where we get to celebrate your child’s achievements and progress with their learning. From Monday, you will be able to access your child’s mid term report and see their current learning goals. Please ensure that you have the HERO app so that you are able to access this information. If you are having any difficulties downloading the HERO app, please either phone the office or pop in and see us.
You may or may not be aware that there have been changes in regards to what schools are required to report to the Ministry of Education in regards to attendance. This has been reported on in the media recently. Every week, our school is required to send through a data attendance report to the Ministry of Education via our school management system. If a child has an unjustified absence, this is where the school has not been notified of the reason why your child is absent, this will now be followed up with a phone call from the school. If a child has 5 unjustified absences, it will be followed up by senior management.
Structured Literacy - Information workshop for Whānau
On Thursday 30th May we are having two information sessions for whānau on how we teach structured literacy at Arataki School and how you can help your child at home with their literacy learning. Please note, both sessions have exactly the same content, we are offering them at two different time slots to cater for our school whānau. One is from 3pm - 4pm, the other is at 6pm - 7pm. The information session will be in the school hall. A separate notice will be handed out at our whānau learning conferences so that you can RSVP (this helps us with our catering).
- Tuakana will be running their cross country on Wednesday 22 May
- Our Teina will be doing their cross country on Wednesday 29 May
- School is closed on Friday 31st May for teacher only day.
- Whānau learning conferences - Wednesday 15th May & Thursday 16th May. Please book your appointment time using the HERO app.
- Please make sure that you name your child’s fleece jersey. As the weather is cold in the morning, but warms up during the day, tamariki take their jerseys off and some have a tendency to leave them lying around outside. If they are named, they can be returned.
- No dogs on our school grounds (exception for on occasion, teachers bring a dog to class for educational purposes).
Have an awesome week, please remember, if you have any questions, queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Ngā mihi nui,
Vicki Hiini