Tēna koutou e te iwi,
Welcome back to 2024, a big warm welcome to our new tamariki and whānau who have joined our kura this year. Also, a warm welcome to two new staff members, Whaea Tanya - Kaiako in Room 4 and Shauna, a new member of our support staff. I would like to thank the Arataki School community for the pōhiri to welcome me to our kura as the new Principal/Tumuaki. It was a truly special moment, where my whānau, friends, work colleagues from various schools and students came together to support me at the beginning of my journey here at Arataki. It was a very emotional moment for me, but I am grateful to be received with welcoming arms from our community and our whānau from Ngā Potiki and Te Runanga o Ngai Te Rangi. Ngā mihi nui.
It is exciting walking around the school, the children have quickly settled back into their classroom learning environments and there are many exciting learning experiences that our children are engaged in. This term, we have all classes swimming at school as well as Baywave for some classes. Beach visits, art gallery trips, an overnight camp at school for Mauao, Kopukairua have a noho Marae, we are continuing with our Gardening club and Pips programme, not to mention the sports teams and competitions that are starting over the next week. This is just a snippet of the opportunities available for our children here at Arataki.
You will see me most mornings at the school entrance on Grenada street from 8:30-8:50 am, greeting children as they arrive at school for the day. I am supported by our fantastic student leaders. Please feel free to introduce yourself to me, as I begin to get to know all of the children and families of our school.
On Thursday 29th February from 3:00pm - 4:00pm I will be hosting a meet the Principal informal hui in the staffroom. This is an opportunity for whānau to come in and meet with me and to ask any questions that you may have about Arataki School. I will be sharing our school strategic focus areas for 2024.
Building Work
On Monday, building work will commence around the school for the next 6-8 weeks. We are modifying some of our ramps around the school to improve wheelchair access. Areas of the school that will be affected are the hall, library, outside room 10 and around the swimming pool. The work will be done in sections, as one area is completed the next will begin. The hall is first and the gate entrance closest to the hall will not be available for the next two weeks.
Just a reminder that there are two mobility car parks on Kaimanawa Street. Please leave these car parks free for our children at school whose families have a mobility card as these children require quick and easy access into our kura.
Ngā mihi nui, Vicki