This term we farewell two staff members, Sandra Laresen who has been team leader release and a regular reliever in the classrooms and Darniel Netska who has been a part time teacher in our Montessori team.
Next term we welcome two new staff members. Rahera Kuka who will be teaching in Rm 13 replacing Gina Nuku who will be stepping up to support the Senior Leadership team during the Principal recruitment process. We welcome Grace Daniels who will be teaching part time in the Montessori team.
Changes to lunch eating
Next term we are trialling a new eating time for lunch. Instead of the children eating lunch at 12:30 they will be eating lunch at 1pm. We will also be sharing with you via social media and Hero more about our lunches including where they come from and how the school lunch programme works.
Structured Literacy
In Term 3 we are excited to share with you the work we have been undertaking in our classrooms and professional development around Structured Literacy. This will be on Wednesday 2 August at 4pm-5pm in our school hall. You will recently have received a newsletter about Structured Literacy if you have not already read it I encourage you to click the button below and take a look.