Sports Uniforms Return
If any student has any Arataki Sports Uniform from last term or previous terms and is NOT participating in Term 2/3 sports, please could we have these returned to Tai at the Sports office or to the school office by next Wednesday 21st June.
Example of sports that have previously been issued uniforms
- Rippa
- Hockey
- Netball
- Volleyball
- Basketball
- Netball
- Football
Plus any school events that a student was given a sports top to participate in.
We are very low and need these back immediately please.
Sports Fees
Please if you have not paid your term 2/3 sports fees for:
- Basketball.
- Little League - $35 per child
- Basketball - $105 per child
- Hockey
- Fun Sticks (Year 1-2): $35 per child
- Mini Sticks (Year 3-4): $40 per child
- Kiwi Sticks (Year 5-6): $55 per child
- Netball
We would appreciate these being paid immediately
These are now overdue and we have a pay to play policy
Sports fees are payable to the school office or by direct debit into the school's bank account.
Account number: 03-1547-0005512-00
Ref: Please reference your child's full name and sport
If you have any concerns please let us know.