Tēnā koutou e te whānau
We have 19 school days left of 2022. At this time of year we are busy planning for the coming year. It's an exciting time but it always has a tinge of sadness, because this is when we find out that some of our team will be moving on. We will be farewelling…
Kylie Whitehead. Kylie has been at Arataki School for 16 years, 8 of those as Deputy Principal. I have been fortunate enough to work closely with Kylie for the past 8 years and to say I am going to miss her is an understatement. Kylie has won a Learning Support Coordinator's position at Apanui School in Whakatane, which is much closer to home for her.
Jacey Shirley. Jacey has been at Arataki School for 12 years. She started her teaching career with us. Jacey has won a position at Belluvue School.
Sonya Simpson: Sonya started with us in 2021 as a New Entrant Roll Growth teacher and has continued part time with us this year. Sonya is going onto further study in 2022, but we will still see her as she will also be relieving for us.
Catriona McFarlane: Catriona started with us in Term 3 of this year as a New Entrant Roll Growth teacher. She has given my grandson the best start to school! Catriona has won a position at Oropi School.
Karin Baker. Karin joined us a Teacher Aide in 2019. Karin has been studying law and is moving onto a job in this field.
For 2023 with Kylie leaving Tania Solomona will be acting Deputy Principal. Gina Nuku will step into the acting Team Leader for Kopukairoa.
I have decided to delay the recruitment for our Deputy Principal because I have won a sabbatical for Term 2 of next year. During this time, Shelley Craig will be in the acting Principal role. When I return in Term 3, I will start the Deputy Principal recruitment process.
I will send out school organisation (where our teachers will be and what level they will be teaching) over the next couple of weeks, once we have completed our teacher recruitments. Our tamariki will find out their 2023 class during the last week of school. We will let you know the day once everything is finalised.
The countdown is on….
Ngā Mihi
Shelley Blakey