Tēnā koutou e te whānau

A huge congratulations and thank you to our Pasifika Group, who performed at Pasifika in the Bay on Saturday 5th November and to our Kapa haka group who performed at the Mauao Rā Whakangahau on Thursday 11 November.  

Our tamariki were exceptional at both events, such a proud moment for our kura.  These amazing opportunities for our tamariki would not happen if it were not for the  incredible whānau help and support. Hours and hours were put into practicing, making costumes, sorting through details to make sure our kids had the best and were the best they could be! Thank you whānau, we are so grateful! Thank you also to our kaiako who freely gave up their time and expertise.


We will be beginning the process of making up our classes for 2023 in the next few weeks.

Class placements are a long and laborious task for us. In many ways, it is a labour of love. We spend hours pouring over our class lists and individually placing each child in the right place.  We  juggle gender counts, ability levels, social groupings, additional needs, siblings/cousins and teacher-fit to ensure a good mix in each class. Every class list has several pairs of eyes on it - the child's current teacher, their new teacher, their team leaders, the SENCo and our Senior Leadership Team all have in depth conversations and input.

We also know that this can be an anxious time for some tamaiti and whānau.  Particularly about who else is going to be in their class. 

Will their friends be in the same class? What about the child that they did not get along with, will they be in that class? 

If you are concerned and want to have a chat about the best for your child please contact either Shelley Craig scraig@arataki.school.nz (for children in Years 1-3) or Kylie Whitehead kwhitehead@arataki.school.nz (for children in Years 4-6). We are more than happy to talk through options but please be aware that in general we do not accept requests for specific teachers and will only consider these in exceptional circumstances.

 If you want to have a chat about 2023 class placement for your child please do so before  before 21 November.


Arataki School will now be open on Monday 14 November and will be closing at 12.30 pm on Wednesday 16 November.

Thank you for making arrangements for your child(ren) to be collected or have them make their way home as usual from school at 12.30 pm. 

Ngā Mihi

Shelley Blakey

In this issue:

  • Dates for the Diary
  • News and Events
  • From the Sports Desk
  • ATK All Day, Every Day
  • Pre Loved Uniforms
  • Extra-Curriculars @ Arataki
  • After School Care/Program
  • Community Notices
  • Report an Absence

Dates for the Diary


15 November - Y0-2 - Athletics Day

16 November - NZEl Primary Teachers Union of Paid Union Meetings - 12.30 Finish

29 November - Year 6 MMI Orientation Day

1 December - AFoS Christmas on the Field.

8 December - Year 6 Graduation

12 December - Te Raa Tuku Taonga / Prizegiving

15 December - Last Day - 12.30 Finish

Click here for 2022 and 2023 Term Dates

News and Events

From the Sports Desk

ATK All Day, Every Day

For more information on attendance please click the link below.

ATK. All Day, Every Day! - Attendance Booklet

Pre Loved Uniforms

$5 Skorts and Jumpers

Looking for skorts for the summer months, we have some size 5-6, 9-10,11-12. We also have a huge stack of jumpers. Come to the office to take a look.

Have your tamariki grown out of their uniforms?

Please consider donating them back to the kura.  These uniform donations are :

  • sold to our whanau for donations of $5-$10. The money raised is used for resources that support the learning of our tamariki. 
  • used for our tamariki who may need them.

These donations are gratefully received at the school office.

Extra Curriculars 

@ Arataki

After School Care/Program

Community Notices

Reporting an Absence

Does your child need to stay home today?

To let us know about any absences, please:

Call our absence line (07) 575 3497 select option 1.

Text 022 565 0021.

Email office@arataki.school.nz.

Complete our online form

Please include your:

  • child's name,
  • room number, 
  • how long they will be away and the
  • reason for your child's absence.